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Week 4: CSS Positioning, Advanced Typography, and Finishing Unit #1

It was great to see how quickly some of you worked your way through the tasks in our CSS workshop yesterday. For a few of you, though, the workshop served as a reminder that you need to be reading the textbook a little more carefully and working through the practice exercises at the end of each chapter. If you didn’t complete the 10 tasks in the workshop instructions, please do so this weekend and be ready to show me your files at the beginning of class on Monday.

During Week 4, you should be putting the finishing touches on the content of your Unit #1 site, then carefully reviewing your markup. (The W3C Validator is a harsh master!) It’s the week when your Unit #1 projects should go from good to great. Here’s how we’ll get there:

I know we’ve been moving very quickly through a lot of material lately, but these first few weeks in class are designed to help you understand the fundamental concepts of HTML and CSS, then apply those concepts to your Unit #1 project. If you’re not sure where you should be focusing your energy between now and February 17 (when Unit #1 is due), here are a few tips:

If you have any questions about where we’re headed, or if you want to reserve a time to see me during office hours (Tuesday 1-4; Wednesday 9-12), just let me know.