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Week 6: Learning Responsive Web Design with Bootstrap; Exam #1

We have used Unit #1 as a platform for applying the basic principles of HTML and CSS covered in our textbook. At this point, none of you knows everything there is to know about web design (spoiler alert: you probably never will), but you should feel confident in your ability to look at HTML, CSS, and image files and understand how they fit together. For the remainder of the semester, we will use those basic principles to work with a variety of tools and templates that simplify the process of developing websites. The default tool for our Unit #2 project is Bootstrap, but the same underlying principles will apply to any responsive framework you might use in the future.

Here’s a brief summary of our plans for next week:

If you have any questions about these plans, or if you would like my opinion about your choice of website for Unit #2, please let me know. Otherwise, I’ll see you on Monday, ready for some fun with responsive web design!